Chuck Norris Writes to Save the A-10 Warthog from Retirement

Posted 2015-03-24 19:04 by with 1 comment

Chuck Norris Writes to Save the A-10 Warthog from Retirement

Air Force leaders wanting to send the A-10 Thunderbolt to the bone yard already have any number of lawmakers criticizing them from Capitol Hill.

Now they’ve got “Lone Wolf McQuade” coming after them.

Action star Chuck Norris – an Air Force veteran – on Monday delivered an editorial roundhouse kick to the Air Force, arguing on the World Net Daily website that the “Warthog” – as it is known – still has plenty of fight left in it.

In the ongoing campaign against ISIS, Norris writes, “the A-10′s utility is warranted even more now than ever.”

“Its firepower capability, speed and accuracy, frequent war use, and the oft-painted teeth on its nose cone have made it one of the military’s most popular aircraft,” Norris wrote.

Norris said its “combination of large and varied ordnance load, long loiter time, accurate weapons delivery, austere field capability, and survivability has proven invaluable to the United States and its allies.”

Congress has been running interference against Pentagon plans to dump the plane, saving it through 2015 with $635 million drawn from the war funding budget. But the Air Force has made clear it wants to begin retiring the Thunderbolt fleet next year, linking the move to paying for the development of the Joint Strike Fighter.

In his column, Norris throws some jabs at Warthog critics, including Air Combat Command Commander Gen. Herbert “Hawk” Carlisle, who is quoted as saying: “There’s only so much you can get out of that airplane. Those airplanes are gonna wear out.”

“But that statement is true of every airplane in existence, and even the sun!” Norris wrote. “The question is: Is the fleet of A-10 ready for retirement? I just celebrated my 75th birthday, but I’m nowhere near ready to head to the scrapheap. Some things improve with age, and the A-10 has done just that, too.”

Norris, a martial arts world champion who began training while in the Air Force in the late 1950s, has achieved almost folk legend status — portrayed as someone who can never be defeated and capable of bending man and nature to his will and fists.

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One response to Chuck Norris Writes to Save the A-10 Warthog from Retirement

  1. jamie Fitzgerald harbert September 28th, 2019 at 12:49

    Dear People whom might be hearing this,
    The US Air Force has a complex conflict of self indulgence to harass simple answers and simple companies out of business like {ahHimme Fair Child Industries}. They want high tech turkeys like the F 35. BlLLUuckY Bastards. I say by the A-10s for the bone yards. cut the cut just before the twin engine edge starts. add 6 feet. Then cut the wings off at the body. Now add 4 electric turbo shaft lift fans to lift and hover mode. stick armored fuel cells directly to the body. Chop the bubble pit off. Drop surplus Apache Helicopter cock pit on it. Keep the A-10 tank ball busting hand cannon that’s it already got but reinforce it’s frame to shoot in a greater firing arc. The US Air Force jump into bed with that idea like faster than telly savalas checking into a hotel with porn VHS tape in hand with his damp pants prematurely creamed with hie family jewel’s Jim Beam juice. It’s a bonanza buy it cheap from the bone yard add 39% for retesting and certification BULL SHYT. Then a little log rolling over Senate for founds as an angle that we can’t afford not to do this because the air frame saves lives that is generations upon generations of future Tax paying USA people. and buy the way hire the southerner Brothers just flesh off the boarder hike over here cause they can do elbow work to dust of those old bones from yards. And John will pick up the four Star Generals daughter to park her behind the tasty Freeze and swoon her live stream his date piped into the five sided building office debate and if they turn it down well Good OLD cougar is going to buy her a chill dog slurp on till the board members take note that John’s got that sch-long bong jammed down her gullet 19 inches and throbbing and bulging tell neck burst and all. Then Then They vote for 1989 more A-10/64 bit warthog Apache hovering jet attack mode and all. We celebrity on the front porch waiting for the evening slop because we truly truly do have it all that good.


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